lulugu 2 gorila

Sababaraha warta slot anu pangsaéna dina ahir éta nyaéta Kapala Gorila 2 mesin slot tina WMS ayeuna kasohor dina Mac atanapi PC anjeun. Tangtosna, permainan bertema alam sareng sato ngajantenkeun judul online anu hébat sareng Gorilla Chief 2 mangrupikeun tambahan pikeun jajaran ieu. Gim ieu ngagaduhan paylines 50-dibereskeun sasarengan sareng 4 jajar sareng 5-gulungan. Sapertos kaseueuran slot WMS anu sanés, Gorilla Chief ogé nampilkeun pangaturan taruhan anu cukup loma. Kalayan pangaturan anjeun tiasa milih naon-naon teuing artos artos - anjeun bahkan tiasa dugi ka handapna 0Koin .40 per spin upami anjeun hoyong. Tapi kitu anjeun kedah mendingan yén dina kaulinan ieu, henteu bet anjeun ogé kedah bet dina Kadua Pitur. Contona, upami anjeun bet koin 5 kanggo garis 2, anjeun kedah ogé nempatkeun alungan koin 75 pikeun nyieun total jumlah koin 200. Kaulinan ciri anu koin Jackpot patut 750.
Jero di Leuweung Afrika
Somewhere deep in the African jungle is where all the action takes place. The game is well designed with various different Parrots, Bananas, Toucans, Gerberas, Sunsets, kukupu, Leopards, Iguanas, and a selection of African fruits. You will come across the jungle in the background though you will not see much of it because of the reels. We are also not sure why WMS decided to add fire graphics at the borders as it doesn’t really fit in with the theme. Overall, the game is well designed, but the graphics could definitely do with some improvement.

lulugu 2 gorila diropéa: Januari 15, 2019 Author: Aamir Berrey