roulette Perancis

Roulette, (from French: “small wheel”), gambling game in which players bet on which red or black numbered compartment of a revolving wheel a small ball (spun in the opposite direction) will come to rest within. Bets are placed on a table marked to correspond with the compartments of the wheel. It is played in casinos worldwide. Roulette is a banking game, and all bets are placed against the bank—that is, the house, or the proprietor of the game. As a big-time betting game, it has had its popularity superseded in the Amérika Sarikat jeung Kapuloan Karibia ku batur, utamana craps, blackjack, Sarta poker.
carita Fanciful ngeunaan asal roulette kaasup penemuan na ku abad-17th matematikawan Perancis Blaise Pascal, ku biarawan Perancis, sarta ku Cina, ti saha deui ieu konon dikirimkeun ka Perancis ku Monks Dominika. Dina kanyataanana, roulette ieu diturunkeun di Perancis dina awal abad 18th ti hoca kaulinan heubeul na portique, sarta eta geus mimiti disebutkeun dina ngaran kiwari di 1716 di Bordeaux. Handap sababaraha modifikasi, roulette kahontal perenah jeung kabayang na struktur hadir ngeunaan 1790, nu satutasna mah gancang massana status salaku kaulinan anjog di casinos jeung imah judi Éropa. Salila taun 1836 mun 1933, roulette ieu ngalarang di Perancis.

roulette Perancis diropéa: Januari 28, 2019 Author: Aamir Berrey